Steps to Conduct an I-9 Audit
Gather all I-9s on file: the very first step while conducting an I-9 audit would be to gather up all I-9s. This will give you an idea of whether there are any missing forms, help you better organize those with incorrect information and give direction on what steps are to be taken. Once all the […]
Colorado-based Restaurant Fined for Missing I-9
Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer recently upheld fine that was imposed on a Colorado based restaurant for failing to prepare or present a Form I-9 upon request. The Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE or the government) filed a one count complaint against the firm for incomplete or missing I-9s. […]
4 Arrested for Employing Illegal Aliens in Mississippi
The owner and three managers of three local restaurants are facing federal charges related to the conspiracy to knowingly employ illegal aliens and to harbor them from authorities following an investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Federal special agents arrested the owner and three managers via criminal complaint and […]
Alabama Businesses Miss E-Verify Deadline
The Alabama immigration law which was set to be effective from April 1st saw the deadline close in a dismal fashion. Results show a significant number of businesses have failed to register with E-Verify the employment eligibility verification program The federal government says 18,137 Alabama companies had enrolled in the E-Verify system by Monday, the […]
Eleventh Circuit Blocks Additional Portions of Alabama Immigration Law
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked portions of the Alabama law that makes it a felony for an undocumented immigrant to do business with the state as well as another involving the enforcement of contracts with immigrants. The court said it won’t issue a ruling on Alabama’s law until the Supreme Court issues one […]
Workers from El Salvador With TPS Can Continue Working Beyond March 9,2012
The Justice Department announced today the launch of an educational video reminding employers that Salvadorans with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) may continue working beyond the March 9, 2012, expiration date of their Employment Authorization Documents. This announcement by the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) informs employers that they can continue […]
12 Steps to Immigration Compliance in 2012
By Shannon Stevenson Although the presidential candidates will not be delving into all the volatile details of immigration in an election year, employers should tackle immigration issues to avoid monetary penalties and criminal sanctions. Here are 12 steps all employers should take in 2012 to comply with the myriad of immigration laws: 1. Conduct an […]
San Diego-area car wash executives plead guilty to hiring illegal alien workers
The owner and manager of a San Diego-area car wash pleaded guilty Thursday to knowingly hiring illegal aliens following a seven-month investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). At a hearing in federal court, the president and owner of the car wash in San Diego and the business manager pleaded […]
Employers Be Aware: I-9 Audits on the Rise
The past years have seen a steady increase in enforcing employment verification in workplaces with the rise of I-9 audits and workplace raids. More recently, a La Jolla, California bakery, along with its owner and manager, were sentenced in federal court in December 2011 on charges stemming from a four-year probe by U.S. Immigration and Customs […]