Justice Department Settles Immigration-related Discrimination Claim
The Justice Department announced today that it reached an agreement with a company resolving allegations that the company violated the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) when it rejected a work-authorized individual’s Department of Homeland Security-issued Employment Authorization Document (EAD), and required her to produce a Permanent Resident Card (commonly known as […]
Justice Department Settles Immigration-related Discrimination Claim Against An Employment Group
The Justice Department today reached an agreement with an employment group, based in Salt Lake City resolving claims that the company violated the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The department’s investigation confirmed allegations made by a work-authorized individual that the company had, at both initial hire and when subsequently re-verifying the […]
Justice Department Files Lawsuit Against Texas Bus Company Alleging Employment Discrimination Against U.S. Citizens and Other Individuals
The Justice Department announced today the filing of a lawsuit with the Executive Office of Immigration Review’s Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer (OCAHO) against a bus company based in Houston. The complaint alleges the company violated the Immigration and Nationality Act’s (INA) anti-discrimination provision by preferring to hire temporary nonimmigrant visa holders over […]
E-Verify Statistics for 2012-2013
These statistics are based on E-Verify cases in Fiscal Year 2012. All figures are expressed as a percentage of the total number of cases submitted. Percentages may not appear to sum due to rounding Most employees are automatically confirmed as work authorized. 98.65 percent of employees are automatically confirmed as authorized to work (“work authorized”) either […]
E-verify to use Idaho DMV records with RIDE
Beginning July 14, 2013 Idaho is the newest state to join the Records and Information from DMVs for E-Verify (RIDE) Program. RIDE helps to reduce document fraud and boosts the accuracy of E-Verify employment verifications. On June 13, 2011, USCIS launched RIDE. This feature allows the E-Verify Program to validate the authenticity of driver’s licenses presented by […]
USCIS Enhances E-Verify’s Capability to Directly Notify Employees of an Information Mismatch
USCIS is announcing its latest customer service enhancement to E-Verify that will allow direct notification to employees. Currently, if there is a record mismatch that needs to be resolved before the employee can be confirmed as work authorized, a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) is issued to the employer, who must then contact the affected employee. Now, […]
Justice Department Enters into Memorandum of Understanding with National Labor Relations Board
The Justice Department announced today that the Civil Rights Division’s Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Labor Relations Board, formalizing a collaborative relationship that allows both agencies to share information, refer matters to each other and coordinate investigations as appropriate. […]
Justice Department Settles Immigration-related Discrimination Claim Against Alabama Employment Agency
The Justice Department today reached an agreement with an Alabama employment agency based in Birmingham, Ala., resolving claims that the employment agency violated the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The department’s independent investigation was initiated based on evidence uncovered during the investigation of a related retaliation charge filed against the agency. The […]
Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Rhode Island Company to Resolve Immigration-related Unfair Employment Practices
The Justice Department announced today that it has reached an agreement with a warehousing, distribution, light assembly and packaging company resolving allegations that the company violated the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The department’s investigation was initiated based on a referral from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The department’s investigation found […]