Justice Department Settles Document Abuse Claim against Department Store in California
The Justice Department announced today that it reached an agreement with a California based store, resolving allegations that the company had engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination based on citizenship status while verifying employment eligibility. The department also alleged that the store discriminated against a work-authorized individual when it refused to honor a […]
Proposed Changes for Revised Form I-9
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today published a notice in the Federal Register inviting public comment on a revised Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. The existing form will expire by 31st August 2012 and the revised form will become effective only after notification from USCIS. Employers must complete Form I-9 for all newly-hired employees […]
Justice Department Settles Charge of Employment Discrimination by Puerto Rico Security Company
The Justice Department and Puerto Rico-based security company have agreed to settle allegations that the company discriminated against a work-authorized individual during the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 process by requiring him to present a lawful permanent resident card, despite the fact that the employee had already produced documents establishing his identity and authority to […]
Amendment to Massachusetts Criminal History Check from May 4th 2012
In 2010, Massachusetts enacted a new law governing the use of criminal records for employment in Massachusetts and the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) Reform Act will become effective from May 4, 2012. The act will allow all employers access to a new online records system, but it also imposes obligations on employers that acquire […]
Eleventh Circuit Blocks Additional Portions of Alabama Immigration Law
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked portions of the Alabama law that makes it a felony for an undocumented immigrant to do business with the state as well as another involving the enforcement of contracts with immigrants. The court said it won’t issue a ruling on Alabama’s law until the Supreme Court issues one […]
Using Consumer Reports: What Employers Need to Know
Your company has job vacancies to fill. You’re also thinking about promoting some employees from within the company. You’ve winnowed down the stack of applications and resumes and want to run background checks through a third party company who is in the business of compiling background information. Employment background checks also are known as consumer […]
Workers from El Salvador With TPS Can Continue Working Beyond March 9,2012
The Justice Department announced today the launch of an educational video reminding employers that Salvadorans with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) may continue working beyond the March 9, 2012, expiration date of their Employment Authorization Documents. This announcement by the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) informs employers that they can continue […]
12 Steps to Immigration Compliance in 2012
By Shannon Stevenson Although the presidential candidates will not be delving into all the volatile details of immigration in an election year, employers should tackle immigration issues to avoid monetary penalties and criminal sanctions. Here are 12 steps all employers should take in 2012 to comply with the myriad of immigration laws: 1. Conduct an […]
EEOC Approves Strategic Plan For Fiscal Years 2012-2016
In a public meeting today at agency headquarters, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) approved its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2012-2016. The Strategic Plan establishes a framework for achieving the EEOC’s mission to stop and remedy unlawful employment discrimination, so that the nation might soon realize the Commission’s vision of justice and equality […]