Why Employee Job Satisfaction is Critical to the Organization?

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Employee job satisfaction is quite simply, how happy or content an individual is with their job. Aspects that determine employee satisfaction include compensation, workload, perceptions of management, flexibility, teamwork, resources, etc. Its whether or not the employee likes the job, individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision. Researchers have also noted that job satisfaction measures vary in the extent to which they measure feelings about the job or cognition’s about the job. It is also noted that happy employees are generally more productive at work. Job satisfaction can also be seen within the broader context of the range of issues which affect an individual’s experience of work, or their quality of work life.

Employee job satisfaction is one of the most important objectives of all HR managers irrespective of what the new hire’s key performance indicators are. A satisfied employee is not just a loyal employee but a spokesperson for the company, resulting in positive word of mouth. Satisfied employees are more committed to the company and its objectives, they put in that little extra effort to meet timelines and is proud of their association with the team and the company.

Job satisfaction can be understood in terms of its relationships with other key factors, such as general well-being, stress at work, control at work, home-work interface, well-being of personal and family relationship and working conditions. Job satisfaction can be indicative of work behaviors such as organizational citizenship, and withdrawal behaviors such as absenteeism and turnover. Spector lists 14 common facets: Appreciation, Communication, Co-workers, Fringe benefits, Job conditions, Nature of the work, Organization, Personal growth, Policies and procedures, Promotion opportunities, Recognition, Security, and Supervision. HR managers should understand the needs of its employees and see what needs to be done to align company goals with employee needs. Satisfied employees should not stick to doing the routine stuff but add value by pushing the envelope, improve productivity and innovation.

5 ways to increase Job satisfaction are

  • Treat employees with respect

Regardless of the nature of the job or the organizational hierarchy they come under, treating employees with respect helps to boost employee satisfaction. They need to be treated with courtesy, politeness, and kindness. This helps to develop a sense of value among employees, letting them know that they are highly valued and cared for. On the part of the management, being a good listener and encouraging employee’s to share ideas, suggestions, issues and concerns promote this cause.

  • Timely employee recognition programs

Employee recognition is the timely, informal or formal acknowledgement of a person’s or team’s behavior, effort or business result that supports the organization’s goals and values, and which has clearly been beyond normal expectations. It can be seen as a communication tool that reinforces and rewards the most important outcomes people create for your business. When you recognize people effectively, you reinforce, with your chosen means of recognition, the actions and behaviors you most want to see people repeat.

  • Give employees more flexibility

The organization role is to help the employees choose their preferred method of work.
Accommodating varied work routines without compromising on performance and results is the way forward for organizations. Giving employees more freedom and choices at the same time clearly communicating the expectations the company has from them is a win win situation for both the parties involved. Giving option to employees such as flexi time, work from home options, option to work from remote locations could be some of the ways to implement flexibility at the workplace. Ensuring a healthy balance between work and family life is critical.

  • Create a positive work environment

Organizations should encourage learning, innovation, growth and building good social connections at work. A positive work environment is one that has good inspiring leadership at the top, promote good values & team work and maintain an atmosphere of fun and learning. It’s one in which a healthy work life balance is promoted and where there is an open door policy for employees to communicate their thoughts and concerns. A positive work environment makes employees feel happy about coming to work, and this provides the intensity of desire to perform and deliver results throughout the day. Work environment has a direct impact on the level of motivation the employee has towards work. Employees should be given the freedom to express themselves and not be intimidated. Creating a positive work environment will yield far better results for your employees and your company.

  • Promote good health and hygiene

Stress related illnesses can be very detrimental to employee well-being and performance and will impact an organization very negatively. Employees should be aware of the importance and need of staying healthy, physically and mentally. Organizations should give importance to bringing positive lifestyle changes in employees, helping them develop good and healthy eating habits, need for exercise should also be stressed upon. Having a gym at the workplace is always a good idea. Allowing games and sports during breaks is also helpful.

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