Ways to Build a Sense of Belonging in the Workplace

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Workplaces where employees feel they belong always do better business in the long run. Our research shows that over 60 percent of employees are more likely to be highly productive when they feel their work makes an impact.


On the other hand, employees who don’t plan to stay are unhappy with their companies in terms of:


  • Employee Recognition
  • Performance Appraisals
  • Career Growth


Here are some of the best things you can do to make your employees feel like they belong:

  • Ensure leaders eliminate bias


Establishing a climate of office politics and backstabbing can make employees feel as though their employment isn’t fundamentally fair, undermining trust and morale. As a general rule, good competition should not be accompanied by the kind of ruthless behavior that destroys social bonds.


Executive myopia, in which male executives are 2,6-times more likely than their female counterparts to report that all employees are treated fairly, is an example of the kind of bias that can arise through poor leadership.


The efforts to establish an inclusive workplace may be hampered by poor leadership and bias, but exceptional leaders will foster a welcoming home for all.


  • Employees believe they have a voice in policymaking

Listening is essential if employees are to feel like they have a voice in the direction their workplace is headed.


An open-door policy, regular listening sessions, and a focus on qualitative data collection are all hallmarks of a great workplace. Moreover, leaders have an obligation to act on employee feedback. If you don’t intend to implement the suggestions made in the focus group, then there’s no point in holding one.


  • Ensure effective employee communication

Although the evidence suggests that purpose-driven businesses are more likely to provide a positive work environment, this is meaningless if there is a breakdown in communication.


A lack of open dialogue between departments is detrimental to team spirit. Some employees will feel alienated and untrustworthy if they are not given access to confidential company information. They may feel misled if they are suddenly presented with negative news or are kept in the dark about important company decisions.


When there is an open dialogue between all members of a team feels more included.


  • Implement a credible employee recognition program


Do employees feel the company has a credible performance appraisal system?


Gender disparity is a common example of discrimination in the workplace. More commonly than men, women report that their superiors at work play favorites when it comes to promotions and other professional benefits. The way your company handles performance appraisals is a prime example of whether or not it lives true to its declared objectives. When executives say they value women in the workplace but consistently pass them over for career growth, they lose credibility. Plus, those female employees will feel alienated from the group.


By showing appreciation for employees’ efforts, businesses send a message that they respect the significance of each worker’s individual contributions. When employees are valued, they are more likely to report that they are cared for by the company and to work together more effectively as a team.


  • Make employees feel special

Challenge your employees to appreciate each person’s unique contributions by showing mutual care, standing up for everyone’s right to be heard, and taking an interest in their professional development. If you want to create a more welcoming workplace, it’s important to show your employees that their opinions matter and that they’re being heard by incorporating their ideas into your core principles.


It turns out that companies who do a good job of making new employees (and their ideas) feel at home have a competitive advantage. Here are some suggestions to make workers feel at home:


  • To fully appreciate the value of a new team member, one must first acknowledge their work.
  • Don’t condition all benefits of employment on length of service. When new folks can’t enjoy the complete work experience, they will feel left out.
  • Actively seek new hire’s suggestions. Make them a part of decision-making and essential business operations from day one.


Business leaders are not unfamiliar with the idea of fostering a sense of welcome. It is frequently done for customers and clients, and these same ideas can be simply applied to employees.

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