These statistics are based on E-Verify cases in Fiscal Year 2012. All figures are expressed as a percentage of the total number of cases submitted. Percentages may not appear to sum due to rounding
Most employees are automatically confirmed as work authorized.
98.65 percent of employees are automatically confirmed as authorized to work (“work authorized”) either instantly or within 24 hours, requiring no employee or employer action.
1.35 percent of employees receive initial system mismatches.
Of the 1.35% of employees who receive initial system mismatches:
0.26 percent of employees are confirmed as work authorized after contesting and resolving an initial mismatch.
1.09 percent of employees are not found work authorized.
Of the 1.09% of employees not found to be work authorized:
0.90 percent of employees receive initial mismatches and do not contest the mismatch either because they do not choose to or are unaware of the opportunity to contest and as a result are not found work authorized. The E-Verify program closely monitors uncontested mismatches and actively reaches out to employers to ensure that they are aware of their responsibility to inform employees of the right to contest.
0.01 percent of employees receive initial mismatches contest the mismatch and are not found work authorized.
0.18 percent of employees receive initial mismatches which remain unresolved because the employer closed the cases as “self-terminated” or as requiring further action by either the employer or employee at the end of FY11.