Following are the trends that have been predicted by leading labor attorney Brenda J Smith and the points below are excerpts from her post “My New Year Predictions”. For a more detailed article you can read Brenda’s blog.
There have been many developments in immigration and immigration enforcement since I last wrote, and thought it would be appropo to begin this New Year by honing in on my clairvoyant skills by making some predictions for the upcoming year.
1. We will see an increase in Notices of Inspection and employer audits conducted by I.C.E.
2. I.C.E. will also continue its audits and fines of large employers, and request subsequent membership in its new IMAGE program.
3. An Increase in picketing and other activity by unions who have illegal workers employed by companies who are attempting to comply with I-9 regulations.
4. An increase in citizenship discrimination claims brought against employers by the Department of Justice due to findings during an I.C.E. audit, or due to complaints of workers.
5. Finally, more states will propose Arizona type legislation. States with such legislation already proposed included Nevada, South Carolina and Florida.
These developments underscore the importance of complying with the immigration laws of the United States, and the focus the government has on employers. The best way to protect your company from liabilty including fines and jail time is knowledge. Knowledge is your best protection and the only way to reduce your risk.